Thursday, October 4, 2007

Impeach These Fuckers

I have come late to the position that we need to impeach Bush and Cheney. For one thing, I think the Royalists Loyalists on the Right would prevent that from ever happening. I have regarded it as a useless exercise, a diversion from the pressing business of the Nation.

But no longer.

This Administration has repeatedly sanctioned the egregious violation of accepted norms of the behavior expected from civilized nations. This Administration has adopted the very same policies and procedures that were the routine practices of the Soviet Union, from secret arrests, detention without trials or access to an attorney, interrogation by the use of torture, rigged trials and right down the line to more mundane things such as appointments based solely on party loyalty and without one whit of concern as to the ability of the appointee to function in the job. We are becoming the very nation that we used to condemn.

We complain and mutter. But we do nothing.

This is our choice: We, as a nation, must either accept that we are becoming the Good Little Germans of the 21st Century, a people who put their collective heads in the sand and muttered in private but did nothing, or we must impeach these fuckers and, by doing so, reclaim our national honor as a nation of laws.

Which is it going to be, people? For those of you in your 20s and 30s, when you are much older and your grandchildren read about the wrongs that were done in the name of the United States during the Bush Administration and they ask you: "Grandma, how could this happen? Why didn't you do something," what are you going to say to them?

Are you going to admit that you were too scared to do something?

Are you going to admit that you thought it was just peachy to do what was done?

Are you going to confess that you were too much of a self-absorbed slug to do anything?

Or are you going to at least be able to say, with some shred of pride, that you contacted your congresscritters and demanded that they impeach the fuckers?

When they ask you if you were a "Good Little German," will you at least be able to honestly answer: "No, I was not."?

Impeach these fuckers. Now.

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