Thursday, October 11, 2007

Gonzo Lawyers Up

Alberto Gonzalez has hired a high-priced mouthpiece.

Seems to me that when various Clintonites lawyered up in the `90s, the conservatives wasted no time slamming them and proclaiming that anyone who hired a lawyer in such a situation had to be guilty of something.

Now, I'm not making that charge, nosiree. Anybody being investigated by the Feds (or anyone else) for anything is not thinking straight if they go into the process without an attorney. But it's clear that Gonzalez thinks he is some legal jeopardy here. And maybe he doesn't trust his good fren', Preznit Stupie McFuckwit, to issue a pardon on the morning of 1/20/09.

1 comment:

  1. "Stupie McFuckwit,"

    It does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?


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