Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fighting For Freedom

"`...there's some things'll scare you so bad, you hurt yourself.'

"And isn't that what we keep doing in this country, over and over again? We get scared so bad--about the communist menace or illegal immigration or AIDS or pornography or violent crime, some damn scary thing--that we hurt ourselves. We take the odd notion that the only way to protect ourselves is to give up some of our freedom--just trim a little, hedge a bit, and we'll all be safe after all.

"Those who think of freedom in this country as one long, broad path leading ever onward and upward are dead damned wrong. Many a time freedom has been rolled back--and always for the same sorry reason: fear."

Molly Ivins wrote that 17 years ago. It still holds true today. That is the siren call of the GOP during this decade: "Give up a little freedom, a little liberty, and you'll be safe." That was the call of the Democrats in the early 1990s: "Give up some of your rights to own guns and we'll keep you safe."

It's all bullshit.

(Thanks to Dan for the steer to Molly's column)

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