It's OK to put them on Kibby Mountain in Maine, where not a lot of rich folks live.
It's OK to put them in Searsburg, Vermont, again, a place not frequented by the rich folks.
Wind turbines stick out. From the air, they are very obvious. From the ground, the white towers are very plain against the sky. I guess that is OK, as long as they're not in the playground of the Gulfstream-V set.
Probably the most egregious of these environmental hypocrites is RFK, Jr. He is doing everything he can to try and shut down the Indian Point nuclear reactors. He says he supports alternative energy. But he opposes the Cape Wind project.
And then there is this whopper from his lips:
"I definitely support alternative energy," Robert Kennedy told a local public radio program. But he insisted that the wind farm plan "makes no sense for the public because the costs it's going to impose on the people of these regions are so huge. . .probably larger than coal."Riight. And the fact that the wind turbines would be offshore of the Kennedy compound in Hyannis and that the wind turbines would be out where the Kennedys like to go sailing makes no nevermind.
"This isn't just about wealthy people objecting to the diminishment of property values, but that's an important issue too," he added. "The aesthetics are going to forbid people from going there."
Nobody seems to be disputing that the area is ideal for wind turbines. But the moneyed classes, the ones who are more than happy to see them go up on mountain ridges in Vermont, Pennsylvania and Maine, they have a problem with having them go up in their own back yards.
I say: Fuck them. Put the turbines there.
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