Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Discovery Launches

Discovery has a female commander and so does the International Space Station.

So, in the skies: Women rule!


  1. I remember once when I had an all female crew on the Shorts 360. We're not sure what we got more looks on. . the size of the plane or we being up therein the front. One male passenger looking a little nervous about the old turboprop, without really paying attention to us, said out loud "wow. . it's kinda small isan't it". And Nancy, my copilot just leaned out and grinned and said "oh we didn't really think size mattered".

    He busted up laughing when he saw who made the remark, and we all had a great flight.

  2. Well, size does matter, at least fir launching things into orbit. If they had seven women on the Shuttle, instead of mostly men, they might be able to carry another few hundred pounds of cargo to the ISS.


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