Looks as though Bush's plan to make the GOP into a minority party for the next generation or two is well on track with his veto of S-Chip. Might also note that, unlike other vetos by Chimpy, this time he drew the curtains in the Offal Office and stepped into the coat closet so nobody could see him actually veto the bill.
Actually, Chimpy did make a good point when he said that funding S-Chip by a tax on cigarettes was recessive. (He knows recessive, just look at his genome.) But in saying that children's health is not a priority at the same time he is requesting $190,000,000,000 more for His Clusterfuck of a War, he looks both petty and mean-spirited.
And anyone who really things that Chimpy's concerns about taxing ciggies is the real reason he vetoed the bill might want to think about laying off the crack pipe for awhile.
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