Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Airline Security Stupidity; West Coast Edition

A charter flight of Marines coming home from Iraq and heading to Hawaii was barred from using the passenger terminal at the Oakland Airport "for security reasons."

So it is OK to send these guys to Iraq to fight for their country, but on the way back, we're going to keep them out of the airport terminal because they might have not been screened and are security risks? We're going to treat these Marines as potential terrorists?

I guess nobody remembers that for months after 9/11, it was common to see soldiers walking around the terminals of many airports with their weapons. Maybe TSA screened them for illegal nail clippers and bottles of water before letting them walk around with loaded M-16s and M9s.

Somebody at either KOAK or in the TSA (or both) needs to have their head(s) examined.

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