Sunday, September 30, 2007

Veggie Burgers

I do like meat, but I have been trying to cut down on my intake of red meat and, to some extent, I have. (That was helped by the fact that good cuts of beef are not exactly cheap. )

I have tried several varieties of veggie burger and I have a testimonial that Boca Burgers are the most like the real thing.

I know this because my cat George will eat them. He won't touch the other brands.

George likes beef, but only if it is cooked. I had had him for a few months, George is the first cat I've ever lived with, and I'd share bits of beef or chicken with him. A friend of mine, who has cats, told me to give him a piece of raw beef, she said "he'll go nuts over it."

So I did.

George walked over to his dish, sniffed it, and gave me a look of "aren't you going to cook this?" He tried to bury it under the linoleum.

But when I cooked up the rest of it and shared a portion of it with him, he was happy.

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