Sunday, September 23, 2007

Richmond Follies

Goings-on between the Mayor and the School Board.

Of note is how Mayor Douglas Wilder used the police in an attempt to prevent a public meeting of the School Board from taking place and then to keep the reporters and the public from attending. (I gather there is an open meeting law in Virginia.) And note that being told to do that, that is just what the cops did.


  1. Cops have no problem with violating the law. The law is for the little people, not for members of their particular sub-culture. My policy when being stopped by a police officer is the same as my policy if being accosted by any armed criminal -- to do exactly what he says, and be glad I escape alive at the end.

    As I've pointed out multiple times before, cops would have no problem with a military dictatorship. Police departments are already organized as military dictatorships, so if a military junta came in and replaced every major police department's police chief with one of their own, they'd shrug and keep following orders, even when those orders were to round up prominent liberals and turn them over to the Department of Homeland Security as "supporters of terrorism". Same deal with the U.S. Armed Forces. Anybody who thinks they would "defend freedom" simply does not understand the culture of the military. Following orders is the first rule they learn in boot camp, and it gets engrained into them to the point where if an officer ordered them to go into a pet store and start tearing apart furry little kittens with their bear hands, they'd do it.

  2. All I can say, Badtux, is that I once participated in a discussion aboard a navy ship concerning when it was proper to refuse an order. While I do not disagree that many would follow orders, many more would remember that their first duty is to the Constitution.


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