Monday, September 17, 2007

I Was Trying

And I really have been trying to get something written tonight. I went for a walk after work, then ate dinner and returned some calls. But as I try to write this, I have a cat pawing at me, for she feels I haven't paid her enough attention.

An old classmate got married out in Scully-Land. I wasn't invited, which was probably a good thing. From the reports I heard, not only were the wedding vows very big on the bride being submissive to her new husband and obeying him in all things (there are advantages to being single), the Wingnut of a preacher made comments exhorting them to be like Jesus Christ in all things and held out George Bush as an example a man who emulates Jesus.

I would have projective-vomited my appendix all over the church.

My religious edjumacation is lacking, but the last time I looked into this, I didn't find where it said that Jesus thought that waging wars of aggression were good ideas. And correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I kind of doubt that Jesus would be in favor of torture. Maybe there is something in Scripture where Jesus says: "Hooray for the rich and fuck the poor," but I've never heard anybody cite it.


  1. Your problem is that you've been reading about that Jewish Jesus fellow, not about Republican Jesus(tm), the Jesus of Jesusland (glory hallaleujah, AMEN!). If you read the Republican Bible, you'd see clearly that Republican Jesus wants us all to be wealthy (it's called the "Prosperity Gospel", Google it) and that Republican Jesus loves for us to be mean to "evil-doers" (it's called "Dominion Theology", Google it). The Republican Bible might look like an ordinary King James Bible, but it's not. It's just the parts that Republican Jesus likes. Praise The Lord and His holy annointed son, George W. Bush!

    - Badtux the Religion Penguin

  2. What strikes me as being both sad and tragic is that I am certain that you are not kidding in the slightest.


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