Monday, September 24, 2007

George Bush- Terrorist in Chief

"You will be attacked if you don't give me what I want."

That, in essence, was the message that the Bush Administration sent to Congress last month to get it to pass the revisions to the FISA law: A statement that there was intelligence that terrorists were about to attack the Capitol.

Problem was this: It was bullshit. It was all bullshit.

So let us be plain about this: George Bush and Richard Cheney and the rest of their henchmen are terrorists.

And the Democrats are spineless weasels in not calling them on it. This little instance should be the subject of some investigations, if not impeachment hearings. I'm pretty sure that threatening a terrorist attack is a crime.

Unless you happen to be the Chimperor or his Evil Regent, I gather.

1 comment:

  1. "...So let us be plain about this: George Bush and Richard Cheney and the rest of their henchmen are terrorists..."

    Bang! Zoom! Right to the moon.

    Good point.


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