Wednesday, September 5, 2007

GAO 1, DoD 0

Even as the Bushies and the flacks in the Pentagon tout their "successes" in Iraq, turns out that according to the Government Accountability Office, the people whose job it is to fact-check the rest of government, it isn't necessarily so.

Attacks on civilians are not down.

Up to 100,000 Iraqis a month are fleeing their homes to escape the violence.

This is what to expect from the report by the Bush Administration this month, and I will tell you what to expect by telling you an old Jewish folk story:


On day, an officer in the Czar's Army passed through a village. Suddenly he stopped his horse, for he saw on the side of a barn one hundred circles drawn in chalk and in the center of each circle, was a bullet hole.

"Who is this incredible marksman," cried the officer. "Who can shoot one hundred perfect bull's eyes without missing a single one? I must meet him! I want him in my unit!"

Just then a child happened to walk by and said "Oh, that's just Shepsel. He's the town fool."

"I don't care if he is a fool," said the officer. "If someone can shoot one hundred perfect bull's eyes, I want him to join the Army and serve in my unit. None of my soldiers can match him."

"No, you don't understand," said the boy, "Shepsel, he shoots first, and then he draws the circles."


Watch and see what the Bush Administration claims as "success" in Iraq. And you will see that they are drawing circles around the bullet holes.

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