Friday, September 7, 2007

A Different Time

I was a kid the last time this country was mired in an unpopular war. Besides the war, there were riots and assassinations and a general feeling that things were going to hell.

But there was one shining thing that showed otherwise, and that was the space program. At least up through the flight of Apollo 11, there was a sense of grand adventure. If there was an early-morning launch, people got up early to watch. And when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon, much of the world stopped to watch.

So yo can bet your ass that I'm going to see this movie.

Despite all the problems and strife of the late 1960s, when we went to the Moon, we went in peace for all mankind. Not just for the USA.

And s, you can bet your ass that would have never happened under Chimpy.

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