Thursday, September 20, 2007

Concur Ref A

Ref A: Bipartisan Warm and Fuzzy Condemnation of MoveOn

Let me drop a quote from that on you:

"Well, part of the joy of being a right wing bully is standing up there and knowing you’re full of shit, and everyone listening knows you’re full of shit, and STILL you force the Democrats to their knees. And it works every time. No doubt they appreciate the Democrats doing their part in this “bipartisan” effort."

Except for Hillary Clinton, that is. She's not buying this shit. As for the rest of the jellyfish in the Democratic Party, not so much.

Figuratively speaking, Hillary is one of the few Democrats in the Senate with any balls. The rest of them are a bunch of spineless weasels who have no guts to stand up to the bullies in the GOP.

Get a fucking clue, guys.

And what might help you get a clue is this: The BushPetraeus Dog and Pony Show did not move the poll numbers on the Iraq War. The American people are of the same opinion they have been for a long time, of the same opinion that sent you spineless clowns to D.C. last November:

End this war.

Bring the troops home from the Sandbox.

Get it done.

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