Friday, August 31, 2007

Pure Bred GOP Weasels

Now, in the Washington Post, the Prince of Darkness, Robert Novak, admits that he has known since 2001 that Alberto Gonzales was not fit for a senior job in government, let alone a cabinet post. As Novak writes:
"I first met Gonzales in 2001 when, along with other conservative journalists, I went to the White House for a background briefing by presidential counsel Gonzales on the new president's judicial nominations. I was stunned by the incoherence of the briefer. When I checked with several Republican senators, I received the same verdict. Their judgment was that Gonzales was not qualified to hold a senior governmental position."
But that old soulless fucker kept his mouth shut for over six years.

And so did the other Republicans in the room.

Let's put the truth out there: Those dirtbags put the interests of their party ahead of that of their country. They not only deliberately sat on their hands, they actively supported Chimpy McIdiot as he put one unqualified ideologue after another in high government positions. By only considering party loyalty over all, including competence, the Republicans acted from the same motives as the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Republicans. Communists: Party over all!


  1. The day any administration of either party uses competence rather than connections to select appointees, I'll eat my boots.

    It hasn't happened yet; no reason to expect it in the future.

  2. I started to answer this, Tam, but I made a new entry out of what I was writing.


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