Friday, August 17, 2007

"Painkiller Jane" Takes Two in the Heart and One in the Head

The Sci Fi Channel has canceled the show. I liked the show, but let's face it, a show about a shadowy government agency running around, grabbing people without charges, holding them without due process and busting into places without warrants is going to be a pretty hard show to take in the Age of the Chimperor.

Other than the "neuros" and "painkiller" stuff, I don't know why the show qualified to be on the Sci Fi Channel. It should have been on Fox, so RoboMitt and the rest of the Republican Fascists could praise it as a model for how to destroy protect freedom and liberty.

1 comment:

  1. 'Bout damned time they canceled it. Silly show with an overdone hook. ^%($ SciFi channel.

    I miss Farscape.


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