Sunday, August 19, 2007

More Bipartisan Stupidity From Our Government

Here is another one: The War on Drugs is not working. It is a complete and utter failure. Adjusted for inflation, the price of powdered cocaine is one third of what it was in 1990.

But we keep on doing what we have been doing. We let the courts and the police chip away at civil liberties. We turn our police into quasi-mercenaries by giving them a financial stake in the Drug War. Thanks to the War on Drugs far more than the War on Terror, our police have become quasi-military organizations, using military-type weapons and gear.

It is sheer insanity. After 36 years, only the completely obstinate or the wholly stupid could argue that the War on Drugs has been anything other than a failure.

Why can't we figure this out? Why can't we try something else? We realized that Forced Temperance was a failure after 14 years, why have we not realized that the same method of dealing with the drug trade is also a failure? Are we that much stupider or that much more stubborn than our grandparents and great-grandparents were?

They broke the code. Why can't we?

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