Monday, August 6, 2007

Gutless Democrats

The Democrats gave Bush the new wiretap bill he asked for. As I understand it, all the Fibbies and the spooks have to do is tell the telcom companies that "we reasonably believe that this person is talking to targets overseas" and, just on the say-so of Forgetful Alberto or the Director of the Abwehr, er National Intelligence, the wiretap goes into place.

And we all know, of course, that none of those officials would lie or stretch the truth or willfully go beyonds the bounds of the law.

Except they have a record of doing so.

The Democratic party is full of Arlen Spector-type politicians, who talk a good game but, when it comes time to actually do something, roll over like a little puppy. The Democrats are so afraid of being called weak on national security that they give Bush everything he wants whenever he waves the bloody flag. The Democrats would much rather sell you, me and the Constitution up the river rather than have to take a stand on a hard issue.

There is a word for that: Cowardice.

I've got to go to work, now, but I'll revisit this topic. You can bet your ass on that.

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