Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Feeling Sorry for Folks

If you saw this video of the beauty contestant blowing her answer, then maybe you'll understand why, besides having a good laugh, we should feel a little sorry for her.

She's a teenager, which means that she has a life expectancy of about 65 more years or so. For all of those years, whenever it comes to light that she was Miss Teen South Carolina of 2007, that video is going to come up in a search. Her great-grandchildren are going to be laughing at her.

That has got to suck.

(And if you thought "blowing her answer" was a sexual reference, gitchermindouttadagutter.)


  1. She's probably as dumb as a brick but she was also pretty darn nervous. I once played one of the witches in MacBeth for a college play and I drew a complete blank on my line and all I could come up with was "double double toil and trouble. . cauldron burn. . . and. . . .Barney Rubble".

    Thank God there wasn't You Tube back then.

  2. "double double toil and trouble. . cauldron burn. . . and. . . .Barney Rubble".

    You came really close to having to buy me a new keyboard!

    At least it rhymed. :)


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