Thursday, August 23, 2007

Class of 2021 Mindset List

(With apologies to the fine folks at Beloit College)

Someone I know suggested that we start compiling the "mindset list" for a future class of freshmen at the nation's colleges. I am going with the Class of 2021. These will be kids who were born in 1999 and 2000 and, since my niece was born in 2000, I'm adopting that group for his exercise.

So what will the Class of 2021 have as a mindset? Here is a start to the list:

1. The Federal government has always held people without charges in secret prisons.

2. Torture has always been a permitted interrogation technique.

3. The Iraqi Army has always been just about ready to assume responsibility for security in Iraq.

4. The Federal government has always had the right to listen in to your telephone conversations and read your e-mail without a warrant.

5. The Army has always had problems recruiting soldiers.

6. The Federal budget has never been balanced.

7 The economy has always been in great shape if you're rich.

8. The politicians who have been advocating wars have never sent their kids off to fight in it.

9. The President has never heard or seen a protester.

10. Fox News has always been the propaganda arm of the Republican party.

11. Everyone has always had a RFID chip embedded between their shoulder blades.

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