Saturday, February 22, 2025

When You Call a Federal Agency for Assistance and Nobody is There or
If You Visit a Park and There are No Rangers to Help, Think of This

The Department of Homeland Security has budgeted up to $200 million to run anti-immigrant ads in the United States and overseas that repeatedly thank President Donald Trump for leading an immigration crackdown. Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem said Friday night that these ads were Trump’s idea, and during the administration’s transition to power, the president asked her to star in ads thanking him “for closing the border.”
The ad campaign amounts to an extremely expensive taxpayer-funded propaganda blitz to scare off migrants and to flatter Trump on television. On Friday, Trump’s DHS secretary entertained the CPAC high-roller audience with her account of how Trump orchestrated the whole thing.

Noem said that Trump instructed that he didn’t want to be in the ads himself, telling her: “I want you in the ads, and I want your face in the ads … but I want the first ad, I want you to thank me. I want you to thank me for closing the border.”

Two hundred million of your dollars used to run propaganda to stroke his fragine sense of self-worth.

That's beyond pathetic. You can bet the farm that there will not be more than a few so-called conservatives who will object to this. Because conservatism is now a cult and their leader is the Felonious Vulgarian.


  1. The new Gobbels, when do they make a movie about those criminals.


  2. 200 million for ads? Where is DOG-E when you need it? Maybe the Musket Ad Agency will be handling the ads? He has to get more back from his investment and the sooner the better.


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