Wednesday, February 12, 2025

No Corruption or Self-Dealing Here, No Sirree!

The State Dept. is going to spend $400 million on armored Teslas.

Yep, no corruption, here. Betcha that'll be one government contract that the DOGEholes will not touch.


  1. Those if armored will double in weight, lower in range... and if the
    underbelly is not armored enough a small IED will make it light up
    and get very warm on the inside.


  2. Joe Biden wanted to turn all military vehicles EV and everyone cheered and cheered. There is no practicality in EV. For anything

    1. I work in defense industry building military vehicles. This is a fucking lie.

    2. Cool. How long does the charge last on the new m1abrams last?

  3. All I know is that a few SoCal police forces tried to use Teslas as cruisers and they sucked.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Way too much Joe did this or that with nothing to back it up.
    Seems the same pigeon with a different name returned.

    Generally EVs lack the critical item range, and I diss them for
    that. But if that is not a factor then it makes sense.

    Teslas of all EVs no not impress me the least and I lean to
    hybrids for better economy.


  5. Do I want to be in an EV in the middle of a remote battlefield and have to start looking for a recharging station? Every war zone is going to have a functional electrical grid and a convenient connection?. Just like we have here in the US; a gas or charging station or two on every corner.

    Maybe nuclear powered military vehicles are a better idea? /s

    It's no longer about the number of vehicles you have on the ground. It's about the number of armed drones you have in the air. Conventional thinking isn't going to work anymore.

    1. Just noting that about 90%+ of the drones are battery powered.

  6. This absolutely true and troubling

  7. Battery powered munitions... old hat. Started with VT-fuze 5 inch shell
    with battery and tubes to have a basic proximity radar. Worked good for the 10-20 seconds needed.

    Drones (quad and hex copters) do not use a lot of power as they are small and light and the tiny aircraft style even less power is needed.
    So power is not an issue for the inteded use,

    Abrams M1, over 1500hp turbine to move the 60 tons fast.
    FYI that turbine is cranking out 1.1Megawatts of power at
    max output. A battery that can put that amount of power
    out for one hour would likely outweigh the tank.
    Not a practical use case.

    A real world example of battery powered war machine is
    submarines (non nuke, they use them for backup) where
    the diesel charges a big (think hundreds of car batteries)
    for underwater work. Range and speed is somewhat
    limited. The original EV...err boat.

    So batteries on the battle field have uses but generally not
    for transportation.


    1. Good points. I’m afraid drones are going to rule the battle field for the near future.

      With the rise of AI, this is not a good thing.


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