Thursday, February 6, 2025

Donnie Caught Lying, Again

His "mass deportations" is, partially, a sham.

News of mass immigration arrests has swept across the US over the past couple of weeks. Reports from Massachusetts to Idaho have described agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) spreading through communities and rounding people up. Quick Google searches for Ice operations, raids and arrests return a deluge of government press releases. Headlines include “ICE arrests 85 during 4-day Colorado operation”, “New Orleans focuses targeted operations on 123 criminal noncitizens”, and in Wisconsin, “ICE arrests 83 criminal aliens”.

But a closer look at these Ice reports tells a different story.

That four-day operation in Colorado? It happened in November 2010. The 123 people targeted in New Orleans? That was February of last year. Wisconsin? September 2018. There are thousands of examples of this throughout all 50 states – Ice press releases that have reached the first page of Google search results, making it seem like enforcement actions just happened, when in actuality they occurred months or years ago. Some, such as the arrest of “44 absconders” in Nebraska, go back as far as 2008.

Smoke and mirrors, the hallmark of the Felon's Fantastic Horror Show.


  1. Every time he opens his mouth it’s a lie. Just this morning (Thursday 2/6/25) at a prayer breakfast, he rambled on and on about so many different things. He spoke about the assassination attempt he said he dodged the bullet with the reflexes of a deer. When talking about the recent plane crashes, he claimed that the ‘air control system’ needs to be improved. He stated that when he flies into New York, his pilot tells him they use another country’s control system. He wouldn’t say which country, but that is completely preposterous.
    As someone who has worked in Air Traffic Control for 26 years, I KNOW that statement to be false. But to his blind followers, they’ll dismiss it as just a misunderstanding, or a statement that was taken out of context, or some other such shit.
    But the problem is the right is unwilling to see nor admit that he lies and pulls shit out of his ass just to hear himself ramble on. Some of them HAVE to have some experience and expertise in some other area that Trump has made up a falsehood about. And they KNOW it’s wrong but are unwilling to point out the absurdity of the statement. That makes them sycophants and complicit in the destruction of the government.

    The next two years can’t pass fast enough to get to the midterms.


  2. It all about FUD... especially the fear part.

    One number I'd heard gave 11,000,000 migrants if you take 4 years
    working every day even christmas that would be deporting over 7500
    people a day. OR at 300 people per plane roughly 25 flights a day
    or 36,000 or more in four years. even at 200$ a head that's
    250million dollars. if they pay taxes the cost will be more
    due to uncollected taxes. The numbers just don't work.

    Its a full out sandbag job. And his usual lies.



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