Friday, January 17, 2025

WaPo's Going to Play Fast and Loose With the Facts

After [the Orange Shitbird] entered the White House in 2017, The Washington Post adopted a slogan that underscored the newspaper’s traditional role as a government watchdog: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”

This week, as [the Felon] prepares to re-enter the White House, the newspaper debuted a mission statement that evokes a more expansive view of The Post’s journalism, without death or darkness: “Riveting Storytelling for All of America.”

There's an age-old saying of "never let the facts get in the way of telling a good story". Who are "riveting storytellers"-- Alistair MacLean, Frederick Forsythe, J.D. Rowling, Stephen King, etc. They all write fiction. Even those who have written popular histories have been accused of playing fast and loose with the facts in service of a good story. William Randolph Hearst never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Neither does Rupert Murdoch.

In short, the downhill slide of the WaPo continues unchecked.


  1. If I want stories I'll go to Readers Digest. The problem is the stories
    are likely devoid of the top 5 that being Who, What, Where, Why, and
    When. Why? Because those are simple facts and might get in the way.


  2. Charlie Pierce: And that's why we call it, Tiger Beat on the Potomac.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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