Monday, January 20, 2025

Took Him No Time at All to Violate His Oath of Office

So much for swearing to uphold the Constitution.

An executive order President Donald Trump signed Monday night vows to end birthright citizenship in the U.S., despite broad legal consensus that the Constitution guarantees American citizenship to nearly everyone born on U.S. soil.

Trump’s order directs federal agencies to refuse to recognize U.S. citizenship for children born in the U.S. to mothers who are in the country illegally or here legally on visas, if the father is not a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident

To call that piece of hot racist garbage "clearly unconstitutional" is a whopping understatement. Every federal official who follows it is also betraying their oath.

Did the Felon-in-Chief don his ceremonial white robe and pointy hat before sugning it?


  1. Took 2 hours for a suit to be launched to the superduper supremes.
    I expect they may overturn or narrow an earlier decision from the 1890s
    because the OFF want's that.

    I expect colleges/Unis might feel that as most of the eastern
    countries have kids here for that opportunity.

    No surprises, you were warned.



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