Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Orange Felon Wants to Get His Grift Back On

Reports indicate President-elect Donald Trump is considering repurchasing the Waldorf-Astoria, formerly known as the Trump International Hotel, and rebranding it under the Trump name.

The hotel was a great method of grifting for Felonious Fatso and his addle-pated sons (crooks in their own right) during his first befouling of the presidency. Foreign governments and political suckups stayed there at inflated prices. That the hotel was nothing other than a grifting engine was proven when bookings collapsed after the First Criminal was shown the door in 2020.

But now that he's back, he wants to tap into that source of cash once more.

1 comment:

  1. What else would be expected from a criminal?? Oh right, crime!



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