Sunday, January 19, 2025

S&W’s Gonna Cost Me Money

A no-lock Model 629 Mountain Gun.

Also a 686+ one.

That's now five no-lock hammer guns. and yes, I want some. The 629 looks nice, but to be fair, it would be a .44 Special revolver in my hands. or maybe a mid-range magnum. My days of shooting full charge .44 Magnum loads are over.


  1. I’d really like one in .327 Federal Magnum, but I admit I’m thinking seriously about that Model 10 from the other day.

  2. I’m holding out, barely, but if there’s a 625 Mountain Gun in .45LC coming soon, I’m a goner.

    1. Could be. Word on the Blue Forum is that S&W is deleting the lock from most/all guns. And if these new MGs sell, I expect to see them in other calibers.


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