Saturday, January 25, 2025

Making the Government Safe Again for Corruption and Racism

[the Orange Shitbag] fired 17 independent watchdogs at multiple government agencies on Friday, a person with knowledge of the matter said, eliminating a critical oversight component and clearing the way to replace them with loyalists.

The inspectors general at agencies including the departments of state, defense and transportation were notified by emails from the White House personnel director that they had been terminated immediately, the source said on condition of anonymity.

The dismissals appeared to violate federal law, which requires the president to give both houses of Congress reasons for the dismissals 30 days in advance.

Getting rid of the very people who are supposed to root out corruption seems like the move of a criminal. It'd be like John Dillinger being able to fire Jedgar Hoover.

But that's to be expected when a criminal who is both a con man and a thief gets into power.

Strap in, it's going to get worse.


  1. His dedicated replacements can now find all the frauds and abuse and make sure Donny gets his cut, or else.

  2. The question is when do the average joes even the magats start to
    feel the pain. Or it just may a frog boil where it gets hotter slowly so
    they are unable to notice they are cooked.


  3. MAGAs with their limited attention span will never get it. Trump has already been putting out his distractions in things like taking over Greenland, doing his sword dance thing thing and blaming Newsom for not turning on the faucet and the push for his third term.
    He knows that people will become numb and enured to his constant antics and ignore the real dangers to this country and the people while he is pushing through the things that will affect them.
    Plus both he and his spokespeople at Fox Noise, Newmess, Etc.will be blaming the Deep State , Biden, Pelosi , Clinton, Soros, etc. for all the bad results of his mismanagement, and they will eat it up. Just like they did during Biden's time in office. They are deliberately ignorant like that.


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