Friday, December 22, 2023

Zinc Point Ammo

If you have any, well, you can do what you wish, but be forewarned. It has a bad rep.

Duds are bad enough, squibs are damgerous, but blowing up guns is no good at all.

1 comment:

  1. When I lived near Redding Ca. I found a reloading shop that made bulk lead pistol and revolver bullets. It was hard enough too for some respectable velocity in my 357 without smearing the barrel with lead like the Speer bullets do. Unfortunately for them, they also loaded ammo for shooters. The last time I went by it was locked up tight and note on the door, no forwarding address. The story I got was they made somebody's pistol go boom in a match and the owner fled town in a hurry. Too bad, they had great lead. I wonder if they ever caught the guy?


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