Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Who's the Biggest Loser? "Coach" Tuberville, That's Who.

The Senate confirmed nearly a dozen nominees for top military posts on Tuesday night, marking the end of Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s remaining holds over senior promotions.

With senators rushing to wrap up before the holiday, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer secured a deal to confirm all 11 nominees for four-star positions by voice vote.

Their confirmation ends Tuberville’s blockade of military nominations, which was in its 11th month. The Alabama Republican has been using the tactic despite harsh criticism from both parties, but it ended after failing to win any concessions from the administration.

Tuberville fucked with the lives of people who have devoted their lives to the defense of this country because he thought he could secure some political advantage. All he managed to do is piss everyone off and demostrate to those who may have been interested in serving past their retirement eligibility date that their careers could be held hostage by one moronic senator for his own partisan reasons.

1 comment:

  1. I would pay good money to watch Doug Jones kick Tub-of-ill right in his nutsack.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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