Thursday, December 7, 2023

What the World Needs Now, Is War, More War

Guyana's President Irfaan Ali said the country is taking every necessary step to protect itself from Venezuela, which has ordered its state-owned companies to explore and exploit oil and minerals in Guyana's vast and resource-rich Essequibo region that it considers its own, the Associated Press reported on Wednesday. Ali shared similar sentiments in a Tuesday interview with CBS News, explaining that Guyana is preparing to defend the borders with Venezuela so they remain as they are.

Venezuelan dictator Maduro is following the tired old playbook of dictators in trouble at hme: Start a war with a neighbor. He may believe that with the Hamas-Israel War, the Russo-Ukranian War and China making unfriendly with its neighbors, that the world won't get involved if he seeks to steal most of Guyana by force.

I suspect that Putin's ginning up this one. Vnezuela is one of the boogymen of the Mouth-Breathing Caucus in Congress, who is currently heavily involved in stabbing Ukraine in the back because both Putin and the TOFF demand that they do so.

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