Friday, December 1, 2023

Because It's Friday


  1. I love these old steamers.

  2. More trains:
    “You are a coward, Church. It’s a free country, you can say what you like, or am I wrong?”

    I smiled at that. “Sometimes it’s better to let well enough alone.”

    O shook his head and began to pack up. The book went back into the bag, the notebook into his pocket, and the thermos under his arm. “I’m off, got to catch a train. Not an armored one,” he grinned. “But I’m looking forward to it.” He patted my shoulder as he walked away. “I hear it will be 15 cars and 15 restless riders, three conductors, 25 sacks of mail.”

    “That’s just a song,” I said. I turned, but he was already out of sight.

    Ukraine’s security service blew up railway connections linking Russia to China, in a clandestine strike carried out deep into enemy territory, with pro-Kremlin media reporting that investigators have opened a criminal case into a “terrorist attack.”

    The SBU set off several explosions inside the Severomuysky tunnel of the Baikal-Amur highway in Buryatia, located some 6,000 kilometers east of Ukraine, a senior Ukrainian official with direct knowledge of the operation told POLITICO.

    “This is the only serious railway connection between the Russian Federation and China. And currently, this route, which Russia uses, including for military supplies, is paralyzed,” the official said.


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