Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Mara, the Ukrainian Goddess of Death, Awakens, Speaks, and Promises Death to the Russians

Pretty fucking dark:


  1. Wow. Save the last round for yourself, Ivan.

  2. On March 6, 2022, $15.6 billion of emergency aid for Covid relief was stripped amid disputes over how to pay for it. Then on March 16, 2022, Congress gave final approval the $13.6 billion Ukraine aid bill which includes $800 million for weapons and ammo. So plenty of money for weapons and ammo for the fascists and Nazis in Ukraine but no Covid relief for you. This is America. Also I think the Russian military know who that actress is and they on holding her accountable.

  3. I suppose Putin will be glad to see that all of his efforts to spread his propaganda into the United States hasn’t been wasted.

    Al, you are defending the true fascists and Nazis in this war. It is the Russians who are now openly speaking of conducting mass executions and putting people in concentration camps.

    The Russians are clearly planning to reenact the holocaust, with Ukrainian standing in for the Jews. And you are defending them. That, I respectfully suggest, tells me all that I need to know about you.


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