Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Dabbing These Down, Here


  1. Toto!

    By-the-bye, I just saw my first pair of Ospreys. No, not the bird, I've seen a million of them, got feathers in (one of) my hat(s). I've seen videos of it but thought they were false-flags, crisis-actors, moon-landings or something ... but the V-22s actually fly!

  2. Yes but they also crash a lot. Saw two flying in formation last month, rotors at 45 degrees. I thought the same thing I always think when I see helicopters-- unnatural and creepy flying (barely) abominations. Crom protect me.

  3. I've seen Ospreys many times here. I live near where CalFire flies a couple of Ospreys to cart fire jumpers around in larger quantities than they can via their smaller helicopters. So during fire season, when I hear a weird thing that sounds half helicopter, half airplane, I know that I can walk out into the choking smoke and watch the Ospreys fly over on their way to do something about said choking smoke. (We have six seasons here -- winter, spring, summer, fire, summer, fire, and autumn).


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