Friday, September 24, 2021

News Only For Those Not Interested in Dying of COVID-19
(all you horse-paste addicts can move along)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday endorsed booster shots for millions of older or otherwise vulnerable Americans, opening a major new phase in the U.S vaccination drive against COVID-19.

I have little doubt that, as the data comes in, that booster shots will be expanded to cover all of those who have received any of the currently-authorized vaccines.

This one came in via email and seems appropriate for this post:

(And yes, I'll be in line for my booster shot.)


  1. Being of an age and out more than 6 months from my second Pfizer vaccination, I opted to get the booster. The most notable outcome was the fairly strong flu like reaction for two days whereas I had almost none with the first two rounds. So, hopefully, these protective strategies; vaccinations, masking, avoidance, and washing hands (Fauci Rules) will keep Covid at bay.

    I'm bowled over as the anti-vaccine crowd tries alternate "medicines" to beat covid by ingesting Ivermectin, gargling with Betadine, or breathing in nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide. It seems beyond ludicrously irrational; what's next? Battery Acid cocktails or Isopropyl Alcohol enemas?

    It's like these folks were assimilated by the Borg and reprogrammed with the big alt-right con jobs. T****bots to the end.

    Early on in the pandemic, if I hadn't seen the same response in some of my extended family, I would have been hard put to believe it was happening. But, here we are with a mob of millions of hardcore anti-science, reactionary, anti-vaccine adherents marching to T****'s tune.

    I don't know what scares me more, the above or what it will morph into.

  2. The latest info on the J&J shot that I got six months ago is that a booster about now increases it's protection to above 90%. I will be getting it as soon as it's available.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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