Friday, September 3, 2021

Helpful Hint for Criminals on Conditional Release; Insurrectionist Ed.

Whatever the judge tells you to do or not do, follow those conditions. Lest you wind up back in jail.

A Capitol rioter caught watching conspiracy videos in his garage not even a month after a judge let him go home must return to jail, the court ruled Thursday.

“I ordered these conditions because of the role that internet conspiracies played in his conduct — conduct that is alleged to be violent and serious,” U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly said of Douglas Austin Jensen this morning during a hearing in Washington.
Jensen will be held at a jail in Iowa.

In other MAGA terrorist news, the QAnon Shaman is pleading out to a felony.


  1. I have no sympathy for any of the rioters, but just how did the cops catch him watching subversive stuff in his garage?

  2. How did he get caught watching TV? Open garage doors, big TV and neighbors who aren't too friendly to him for many reasons.


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