Monday, July 5, 2021

Just Going to Leave These Here


  1. First image (airplane and boulder) is

    10 Extraordinary Sculptures That Tackle Life in the 21st Century
    Jimmie Durham's Encore Tranquillité, 2008

    if anyone else is as curious as I was

  2. Looks like a wooden inline engine Druine Turbulent that got hit by a flying boulder of cumulogranite. That one-piece wing does look sturdy. Compression struts are heavy though, and spoil the lift on the critical wing top surface. I once owned a similar Stits Playboy I never had the means to make flyable. This saved my life probably as the Playboy was unstable with high stall and landing speeds and no flaps. The 1st RV designs used the Playboy fuselage with a new cantilever wing.

  3. Sneakin' in the back door ...


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