Friday, July 16, 2021

Hooking Up More Seditionist Assholes; LEO Ed. (plus other Florida Shit)

A Windermere Police Department officer resigned and was arrested Thursday on charges that he participated in the January riot at the U.S. Capitol — the first member of Central Florida law enforcement to face charges in the attempted insurrection. After federal prosecutors announced the arrests of Officer Kevin A. Tuck and his son Nathaniel A. Tuck, a former Apopka police officer, they both appeared before a judge at the federal courthouse in downtown Orlando.

One of those assholes proudly informed family members in a group chat that he assaulted a Capitol Hill cop.
Meanwhile, in Florida:

Demonstrators waving Cuban flags and calling for change on the Communist-run island blocked a major highway and staged other protests in the Miami area on Tuesday in support of the wave of demonstrations that rocked Cuba on Sunday.

You might recall that Gov. DuhSantis got a law passed to make blocking highways a felony, but guess what, sports fans? Nobody was arrested. The most that the pro-virus governor could do was waggle his finger.

Which makes it pretty clear that DumbSantis's law was aimed at a specific cause, for if you happen to be demonstrating in support of a cause that the far-Right disapproves of, you'll be arrested and hauled off to jail. But if it's a cause the batshitters support, expectto receive a serious finger-waggling with a wink and a nod.


  1. Isn't Floriduh the state where they wanted it to be legal if you accidentally hit a protester in the road?

  2. That apparently depends upon who is in the road and what they're protesting.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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