Monday, December 14, 2020

Trump the Seditious Loser Keeps Right on Losing

Trump lost again in the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

The Electoral College voted to elect Joe Biden the next president.But Trump the Seditious Sore Loser and his Duty Fascist keep threatening to bite Biden in the ankles if Biden gets close enough.


  1. C’mon, all you keyboard warriors! There’s the signal! It’s your duty to take up arms to defend the Constitution! All you Limbaugh Listeners, you Hannity Heroes, you Ingram Insurgents! Grab your guns and go surround the White House and the Capital Buildings! Save the country! Do it before January 20th, so that evil Biden cannot seize office!

    Once a few of them get flamed, I figure the rhetoric wile quiet down quickly. They just need to see the light of their buddies bodies to realize that they’ve been victims of the con. Sadly though, some of those true believers will never be reasoned with. They’ll just go underground to fester, continue to spew their opinions not based in facts, and in four more years they’ll show their true colors again. Traitorous badtards.


  2. Well, Lin Wood did advise Fergus' supporters to "stock up on second amendment supplies", meaning I guess that ammo prices are going up again?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. Ammo’s been hard to find since the Spring. I stocked up over the Winter for matches. Which I’ve not shot because COVID.


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