Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Trump Continues to Purge People Who Operate on Facts, While Republicans Keep Trying to Steal the Election

[Lame Duck] President Donald Trump fired the nation’s top election security official, a widely respected member of his administration who had dared to refute the president’s unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud and vouch for the integrity of the vote.

While abrupt, the dismissal Tuesday of Christopher Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, was not a surprise. Since his loss, Trump has been ridding his administration of officials seen as insufficiently loyal and has been denouncing the conduct of an election that led to an embarrassing defeat to Democrat Joe Biden.

That made Krebs a prime target. He had used the imprimatur of Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security, where his agency was based, to issue a stream of statements and tweets over the past week attesting to the proper conduct of the election and denouncing the falsehoods spread by the Republican president and his supporters — without mentioning Trump by name.

The problem for Krebs was that he is one who operates on a basis of objective reality, a place where facts matter. That's not the realm of Trump nor his party; they believe in making up bullshit and pretending that their twisted view is as valid as any other

Which it is not. Republicans are now the party of insanity.

Meanwhile, in Michigan, Republicans tried acting like Stalinists:

In an abrupt about-face, Michigan’s largest county on Tuesday night unanimously certified election results showing Democrat Joe Biden defeating President Donald Trump, hours after Republicans first blocked formal approval of voters’ intentions.

The initial move was quickly condemned by Democrats, election experts and spectators at the Wayne County Board of Canvassers online meeting as a dangerous attempt to block the results of a free and fair election.

Remember these names: William Hartmann and Monica Palmer. They are Trumpists and sheet-wearing racists, people who tried to disenfranchise an entire city that is predominantly Black. They are emblematic of the fuckery of Republicans, who will stop at nothing to steal this election from the American People, who turned out in record numbers to turf out Trump.

They deserve to go down in history for who and what they have proven themselves to be.


  1. I love how the same fine, upstanding folks who supported an attempt to kidnap and assassinate the governor are screaming bloody murder over the pressure the goddamn Republican apparatchiks got when they refused to do their damn job and certify the election.

    "Stop the presses! Biden got more votes in Detroit! How could this be? We must investigate!"

    Go ahead and investigate. You might learn something, though I won't hold my breath about that one.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. This is his brother. Both George Mason

  3. Jon, not true...Brian Krebs already posted the story with an “unrelated” disclaimer.

  4. Monica Palmer is from Grosse Pointe Michigan. It's a very rich city in Wayne county. Back in October there was already a complaint filed against her for a conflict of interest due to due her political activity in Grosse Pointe. Rules and ethics do not apply to special privileged people like her. She made her point but I doubt if she has enough capability of self-reflection to realize it backfired. It's always somebody else's fault.

  5. I'm convinced this is the main problem with the Trump supporters - they choose to defy reality. Trump says something stupid, and they'll do anything to support it.

    B is a great example, with all the, "Covid is no worse than the seasonal flu," comments. The truth is undeniable - 250,000 dead is not the same as (at most) 25,000 dead - but it's impossible for them to admit it, because Trump still says "it's nothing."

    Or the claims of election fraud: when it comes to actually presenting evidence, in court, Trump's team is failing miserably. All the claims of "statistical impossibilities" are just that: claims. Even when they send their top guy, Rudy Guiliani, to court, they can't keep straight what they're claiming: asking to un-amend their amended filing and ultimately not filing a claim of fraud because that would require meeting a certain standard of evidence.

  6. I go with:

    I pledge allegiance to the flag and the Constitution it represents.

    The Drumpf cultists: I pledge allegiance to the Trump. That makes them
    traitors. They may do it out of stupidity, insolence, to be contrarian,
    and maybe even they are members of a cult, true believers.

    As such if they talk, I can easily find myself listening to them
    and regarding their noise as delusional. And taking names as they
    are also dangerous. They twist themselves in knots to accept and
    regurgitate garbage or stuff of creativity. Nothing they say is
    actionable, their lies and misquotes have that feature.

    IF there is a conspiracy of fraud, they are it.


  7. This is certainly an escalation which if it succeeds, would be the beginning of the end for US. Voter suppression by ID has at least the fig leaf of election security. Trying to make a winner out of the loser by obstructing the process of certification of the actual vote, while theoretically possible, cannot be allowed to stand due to, at least, a fig leaf shortage.

  8. This is certainly an escalation which if it succeeds, would be the beginning of the end for US. Voter suppression by ID has at least the fig leaf of election security. Trying to make a winner out of the loser by obstructing the process of certification of the actual vote, while theoretically possible, cannot be allowed to stand due to, at least, a fig leaf shortage.


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