Friday, October 9, 2020

Trump is Gnashing His Teeth

The 2020 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

The agency was given the prize for its efforts to combat hunger and improve conditions for peace.

I think he really thought that he was going to get it.

Maybe someone can send him a bottle of Virgin Clown Tears.


  1. Nah, he already believes he won it, and that’s all that matters.

  2. Perhaps he'd have a better chance at it if he could spell it correctly.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. And ... the genocide of the indigenous population of Palestine is ongoing and (checks handheld device) still American Taxpayer conceived, financed and morally sanctioned.

    This world will never know Peace ...

  4. Ten Bears, when it's done to Jews, it was genocide (truly). When it's done by Jews to Palestinians in Israel, it's....fulfilling God's ancient gift of Israel to his Chosen People. Or something. All people like to be special and to be right....which leads to awful atrocities and the suborning of their better angels and religion. For millennia, Jews had been powerless and oppressed.....during which they wrote the book of humanity, decency, morality, law and bearing suffering. Now the Jews of Israel (and those that support them here) have power....and their religious legacies are dust in the wind.
    More indigenous conquest. Nothing to see here, move along.

  5. One assumes the Peace Prize will take its place alongside the Time's magazine covers.

  6. The icing on the cake...Hunter Biden and Beauty Biden are both associated with the World Food Program.

  7. Always the 'holy land' tail wagging our big dog. I hate like hell my tax money supporting the world's oldest and largest open air prison. Israel's big 1967 victory was the 2nd worst thing that could have happened to them. The very worst, of course, would have been losing big. Because the Muslim world prior to 67 was much influenced by the Grand Mufti, Hitler's puppet. It would have been another holocaust.

  8. Have you been drinking, Keith, sniffing hillbilly heroin?

  9. TB, please keep it civil. Yellow Card

  10. Keith is trying to be scary, boys and girls,

  11. We're not going to get into Yet Another Debate About the Israel-Palestine Issue.

    Is that understood by all y'all?


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