Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Google Keeps Fucking With Blogger

 Google seems to have disabled the backdoor to the old blogging tools.

If I learn of another way to get there, I'll pass it on.


  1. Yeah, I thought the link to Legacy Blogger would be around much longer. I have been begrudgingly using the New Blogger and have gotten used to it. Just like any software I have used for a long period, the "new and improved" version initially sucks and requires the user to basically learn how to use it all over again. I don't mind improvements, but why do software weenies have to fuck the whole thing up? Stuff that used to be right out front is now hidden by menus. I have not found one single "Improvement" over the old version, and now it really sucks trying to use it on my phone.

  2. The post above this one took me three times the normal amount of time to fix so it looked right. The post two above this one, I let Blogger do what it wants and it looks like shit.

    Frankly, I don't know if it's worth the effort. I hate putting out a shitty-looking product.

  3. It looks OK. I typed up a blog post a week ago but the new WordPress editor apparently does not allow me to post pics. At least no button appears to work for that. It's the new wonderful Block (head) Editor. Whateverthefuck a block is. I'm stymied. No blogging for me. Fuck you very much WordPress. Die along with Google.


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