Thursday, December 19, 2019

Work in Progress, Both Verses

(The original)

He's a Loser

In the time of chimpanzees, he was a baboon
No moral compass and a tool of the Russians
With the orange hair, never eats vegetables
Pee-stained mattress, porn-star pantyhose
Hannity is on, the brain is in neutral
Twitter feed blaring behind the Resolute desk
Connection’s in London, buying up Adderall
Guild all the couches, sleeps alone each night
Democrats sayin’ he’s insane in the brain
Dreaming of fourth wedding and dumping Melania
Never believe a word that he tweets
Still he believes Fox and Friends are sweet
So get ready for a hard-fought election
Twitter Man is ranting but he’ll never have an erection
Yo, cut it

Es un perdedor
He’s a loser, baby, so let’s now remove him?
(Double barrel ranting)
Es un perdedor
He’s a loser, baby, so let’s now remove him?

[Verse 2]
Evil is personified in a bozo named Rudy
Stupid conspiracy theories that wouldn’t pass Judge Judy
He’s a corrupt weasel wrapped up in the Flag
Billy at Justice has the Federales in a bag
Sarah’s at the podium, always spewing lies
Her boss is coloring drawings of the airplane that he flies
Guzzling Diet Cokes washing down the Big Macs
Never one uttering anything resembling true facts
You can't get heard without coughing up cash
For staying in his hotel, a tower of trash
His term is a pile of shit
Stinking up history

Es un perdedor
He’s a loser, baby, so let’s now remove him?
(Get crazy with the Twitter feed)
Es un perdedor
He’s a loser, baby, so let’s now remove him?
(White supremacist shooting)

(Yo, bring it on down)

Trumpers are losers
Things changing, better believe it

Es un perdedor
He’s a loser, baby, so let’s now remove him?
(I can't believe you)
Es un perdedor
He’s a loser, baby, so let’s now remove him?
Es un perdedor
He’s a loser, baby, so let’s now remove him?
(Sprechen Sie Deutsch, eh, baby?)
Es un perdedor
He’s a loser, baby, so let’s now remove him?
(Know what I'm sayin'?)

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