Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Self-Solving Crimes

Some idiot was driving on I-95 in Connecticut; he was doing 105mph in a 55 zone, livestreaming it all the way. The livestream included the inevitable crash.

No surprise, the idiot has a long criminal record for his age and was out on bail.


  1. Dang! The guy just missed becoming eligible for a Darwin Award, given to people who've made a major contribution to improving the intelligence of the human species by eliminating themselves from the gene pool.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  2. I'm not sure that tops the bozo who along that same stretch recently turned the autopilot in his Tesla on to "turn around and check on his puppy" and smashed into the backend of a state bull at - the way people drive around here - probably sixty-five or seventy miles an hour (looked like it), but it's close.

    As a aside, I'm still in my first year driving around here, and have drawn the conclusion the best defense is to be a masshole like everyone else. Not just the worst roads - in fifty years of driving, from the North Slope to Southern Mexico (and Mississippi) - I've ever driven on; not just rude, not just stupid, not rude stupid: Stupid Rude. No excuses, no good reasons ...

    A sad testimony to the life-saving technology built in to modern motoring.

  3. Actually, the cops reported 102...which makes sense because it was a Nissan Versa. Absolute top end is 113 on that little hamster-powered shitbox, and that would take a couple of miles of wide open, straight road because any side-to-side would kill it. 102 is pretty respectable in an econobox like that, but you can bet the tires were minutes away from self-destructing. Reading his rap-sheet, the little bastard needs serious time because they’ve shortened every other term he’s been given.

    On that note, if you’ve seen the video of the White Settlement asswipe, it’s interesting to see at least six people drawing in church, including a middle-aged lady who as heading down the aisle to solve the problem personally if the first shot hadn’t done it. She got there, holstered and was on the phone with 911 in a flash, nice work.

  4. Ten Bears, how did it go for the dog?

  5. Someone I know slightly was killed last January by a very similar kind of driver, who boasted on social media about his road rage incidents. Now his widow will have to endure a trial in which his relatives will tell everyone what a swelll guy he is. The wrong person died in that particular crash.


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