Friday, September 6, 2019

"I Said Something Stupid, But It's Your Fault For Calling Me Out On It!"

No, Gentle Reader, this time it's not about Trump.
Spiritual guru and self-help author Marianne Williamson on Wednesday posted and then deleted a tweet suggesting that the "power of the mind" helped turn Hurricane Dorian away from delivering a more dangerous blow to the United States.

“The Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas...may all be in our prayers now,” the Democratic presidential candidate said in the original tweet, adding, “Millions of us seeing Dorian turn away from land is not a wacky idea; it is a creative use of the power of the mind. Two minutes of prayer, visualization, meditation for those in the way of the storm.”
So, after being called out on it, she started bleating that those who were commenting on it were engaging in snobbery and religious discrimination.
She also defended the power of prayer, asserting that the dismissive and mocking reactions to her tweet were examples of how the left lost ground with religious voters.

"Prayer is a power of the mind, and it is neither bizarre nor unintelligent," she wrote Wednesday afternoon. "People of faith belong in the Democratic Party, and will be necessary to the effort if we’re to win in 2020."
It's one thing to believe in the power of prayer. Faith may help some people through tough times. Maybe believing that the Almighty has an overarching plan may comfort someone whose child died as an infant. I'm not knocking that.

But to believe that "the power of the mind" had anything to do with steering Hurricane Dorian is just fucking nuts. Does Williamson believe that because people in the Bahamas were not praying hard enough is why Hurricane Dorian, as a cat 4/5, was parked over the Bahamas for two days?

Williamson is a nut job. We don't need successive narcissistic lunatics in the White House.


  1. If the power of prayer/the mind can steer a hurricane (or tornado?) *away* from people, that allows for same powers being able to steer hurricanes *toward* people. That belief, in turn, is where witch hunting and burning begins.

  2. Doesn’t she need a mind to use it?

  3. It sat on the Bahamas because of all the contradictory prayers it was hearing. "I'm just going to sit here until you all make up your minds!"


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