Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Song of Hong Kong

The song in full:

I fear that the blood of the martyrs will water the streets of Hong Kong. For all of the hand-wringing, the stark fact of the matter is that Hong Kong is Chinese territory. The Chinese Communist Party has zero intention of letting a full-blown democracy take root anywhere on its soil. If they let the people of Hong Kong determine their own fate, what's to stop the people of Shanghai or any other location demand the same?

Whether or not the world approves, the CCP will, sooner or later, send in the PLA to crush the demonstrations. To the CCP, their survival is at stake. They will take world disapproval and sanctions as a price that they will willingly pay.


  1. Xi probably doesn't feel like he can get away with looking weak just now, as the trade war puts the brakes on his already decelerating economy.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. “The tallest tree always experiences the strongest winds”...those in Hong Kong would do well to check their storm cellar. Well, it lasted longer than I ever thought China would allow it, even if it was always under siege,

  3. Time was, Americans had balls like that.


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