Thursday, July 11, 2019


There is something deliciously ironic in the fact that Tropical Storm/Hurricane Barry is about to beat the living shit out of TrumpLand.


  1. Easiest thing in the world to predict that trump voters will actually blame Obama personally for this storm.

  2. Looks like Mother Nature hates Cheetolini as well.

  3. Maybe if it flattens Mar-a-Lago.

  4. New Orleans is NOT "Trumpland." Your comment is as ignorant as any by Rush Limbaugh.

  5. FQ, I’ll give you Orleans Parrish did not wholly vote for Trump, but nearly all other parishes in LA, all but two counties in southeast TX, and fourteen of the fifteen southern most counties in Mississippi did. It could be argued that the Trump cult is strongly supported in that area, hence the term “Trumpland.”


  6. Duh. Of course, they blamed Obama for Katrina response.


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