Wednesday, July 3, 2019

King Donnie's Parade

Mr. Trump said that “brand-new Abrams tanks” and “brand-new Sherman tanks” would be on display on Thursday.
The last Sherman tank rolled off the production line at the Pressed Steel Car Company 74 years ago this month.

No doubt that Trump thinks that this is what the Army uses for "armored cavalry":


  1. Ah yes, it feels more like 1776 already!

  2. They’re gonna fly over the brand new Shermans that Donnie promised...maybe with a few T-34’s?

  3. Give it another thought: Shermans destroyed Nazis and ground their flesh into the mud.

    Bring on the Shermans.

    Oh, and their namesake, General Sherman... We LOVE what he did to American traitors. We only lament that he went about it with kid's gloves.


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