Thursday, June 6, 2019

It's "Kids Dying in Locked Car Season," Again

Authorities say an 11-month-old girl has died after being locked inside a car for 15 or 16 hours in suburban St. Louis.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Florissant Valley Fire Protection District received a call around 4:30 p.m. Sunday about an infant who wasn’t breathing and found the child unresponsive in Calverton Park. First responders were unable to revive her.
This happens every year, people. It does not take a very hot day for the sun to turn a car into a greenhouse that'll bake a child, or an animal.

Keep your heads out of your asses and look out for your kids, people.


  1. 15 or 16 hours?

    I can kind of understand people who are so wrapped up in routine that they forget they haven't grabbed the kid out of the back seat, but 15 or 16 hours seems a little extreme.

    These stories are scary.

  2. What can be sooooo important that these fools leave their kids this long? Honestly, there should be competency exams prior to becoming a parent.


  3. Related: what are warning signs of heat stress in an infant? Everything I search for is babies in cars on hot days; I'm looking for hot environments.
    Thanks in advance.

  4. Tesla has an option that runs the A/C when the car is shut off . They call it Dog Mode .

  5. 0_0, maybe this is what you're looking for.

  6. It's better than anything I've found, thanks!
    It still has more for children than infants- I just found out (new grandparent) that you do not give water (or salty snacks obv.) to babies, for instance. But progress is being made.
    Identifying symptoms is difficult, since infants can't communicate details.


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