Friday, June 7, 2019

Hate Café

A couple says that a suburban St. Louis restaurant canceled their wedding rehearsal after learning they’re gay. ... Madison’s Cafe [O'Fallon, MO} said in a statement posted on its website that “in order to honor God, we will not host or facilitate any event that we believe directly contradicts our Christian principles.”
So, if you're not a full-on member of the Christian Taliban and you find yourself in O'Fallon, go find another place to eat.

But please, be careful. There are a lot of "Madison's Cafés" out there.


  1. Honestly, I’d be perfectly fine with places choosing who not to serve IF they posted a list in 3” letters at every entry and on every advertising item and on every web page. It would be fun to see how many places could survive within that rule.

  2. Oh, the fine for violations, $10,000 per violation of the posting rules and/or $100,000 per act of discrimination without notice.


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